Disable Auto-deployment
Enabling auto-deployment will adversely aect deployment, though it is a convenience in a
development environment. For a production system, disable auto-deploy to optimize
performance. If auto-deployment is enabled, then the Reload Poll Interval setting can have a
signicant performance impact.
Disable auto-deployment with the Admin Console under Stand-Alone Instances > server
(Admin Server) on the Advanced/Applications Conguration tab.
Use Pre-compiled JavaServer Pages
Compiling JSP les is resource intensive and time consuming. Pre-compiling JSP les before
deploying applications on the server will improve application performance. When you do so,
only the resulting servlet class les will be deployed.
You can specify to precompile JSP les when you deploy an application through the Admin
Console or DeployTool. You can also specify to pre-compile JSP les for a deployed application
with the Admin Console under Stand-Alone Instances > server (Admin Server) on the
Advanced/Applications Conguration tab.
Disable Dynamic Application Reloading
If dynamic reloading is enabled, the server periodically checks for changes in deployed
applications and automatically reloads the application with the changes. Dynamic reloading is
intended for development environments and is also incompatible with session persistence. To
improve performance, disable dynamic class reloading.
Disable dynamic class reloading for an application that is already deployed with the Admin
Console under Stand-Alone Instances > server (Admin Server) on the Advanced/Applications
Conguration tab.
Logger Settings
The Application Server produces writes log messages and exception stack trace output to the log
le in the logs directory of the instance, appserver-root/domains/domain-name/logs. Naturally,
the volume of log activity can impact server performance; particularly in benchmarking
SunGlassFishEnterpriseServer2.1PerformanceTuningGuide • January200950