asadmin get -m serverInstance.transaction-service.*
The following statistics are gathered on the transaction service:
total-tx-completed Completed transactions.
total-tx-rolled-back Total rolled back transactions.
total-tx-inflight Total inight (active) transactions.
isFrozen Whether transaction system is frozen (true or false)
inflight-tx List of inight (active) transactions.
Here is a sample of the output using asadmin:
********** Stats for JTS ************
total-tx-completed = 244283
total-tx-rolled-back = 2640
total-tx-inflight = 702
isFrozen = False
inflight-tx =
Transaction Id , Status, ElapsedTime(msec)
000000000003C95A_00, Active, 999
Tuning the Transaction Service
This property can be used to disable the transaction logging, where the performance is of
utmost importance more than the recovery. This property, by default, won’t exist in the server
Disable Distributed Transaction Logging
To disable distributed transaction logging with the Admin Console, go to Congurations >
cong-name > Transaction Service. Click on Add Property, and specify:
Name: disable-distributed-transaction-logging
Value: true
You can also set this property with asadmin, for example:
asadmin set
Setting this attribute to true disables transaction logging, which can improve performance.
Setting it to false (the default), makes the transaction service write transactional activity to
transaction logs so that transactions can be recovered. If Recover on Restart is checked, this
property is ignored.
Set this property to true only if performance is more important than transaction recovery.
Chapter3 • Tuningthe EnterpriseServer 59