To Enable Java Serialization
You must set this property on all servers that you want to use JSG.
In the tree component, expand theCongurations node.
Expand the desired node.
Select the JVM Settings node
In the JVMSettingspage, choose the JVMOptions tab.
Click AddJVM Option, and enter thefollowing value:
Click Save
Restart the Application Server.
Using JSG for Application Clients
If an application uses standalone non-web clients (application clients), and you want to use JSG,
you must also set a system property for the client applications. A common way to do this is to
add the property to the Java command line used to start the client application, for example:
java -Dcom.sun.CORBA.encoding.ORBEnableJavaSerialization=true
Thread Pool Settings
You can both monitor and tune thread pool settings through the Admin Console. To congure
monitoring with the Admin Console, open the page Congurations > cong-name >
Monitoring. To view monitoring information with the Admin Console, open the page
Stand-Alone Instances > instance-name (Monitor).
Tuning Thread Pools (Unix /Linux only)
Congure thread pool settings through the Admin Console at Congurations > cong-name >
Thread Pools.
Since threads on Unix/Linux are always operating system (OS)-scheduled, as opposed to
user-scheduled, Unix/Linux users do not need to use native thread pools. Therefore, this option
SunGlassFishEnterpriseServer2.1PerformanceTuningGuide • January200976