
Adjustment Procedures
2715 Spectrum Analyzer Service Manual
H Option 50 instruments - Connect a 50 coaxial cable to the signal
generator output. Connect the Power meter head to the other end of
the 50 coaxial cable. Set the generator to a 100 MHz signal.
Adjust the signal amplitude to -30.0 dBm, then connect the 100
MHz signal to the RF INPUT.
d. Adjust R200 on the RF Mother board (see Figure 5--4 on page 5--16) to
position the signal peak at the top graticule line.
e. Turn off the input signal (Carrier Off), and enable the internal calibrator
by pressing INPUT 9.
f. Adjust R170 on the Reference Oscillator board (see Figure 5--7) to
position the calibrator signal peak at the top graticule line.
CAL Level
Figure 5- 7: CAL Level Adjustment on Reference Oscillator Board
6. Adjust the F M Detector (C357 and R153 on the Log board) as follows:
a. Disable the internal calibrator by pressing INPUT 9.
b. Apply a 100 MHz/--30 dBm signal with 80 kHz FM deviation at a 1 kHz
rate to the RF INPUT.
c. Reset the VERT SCALE to 10 dB/div and center the display by pressing
CTR-MEAS/TRKG. Enable ZERO SPAN; select the internal trigger by
pressing SWP/TRIG 1; enable FM Deviation Mode by pressing APPL 7;
then set the sweep speed to 200 s by pressing SWEEP repeatedly until
200 sisdisplayed.
d. Set the inner LEVEL control for a triggered display.
e. Set R153 on the Log board to set the signal peak approximately one
division from the bottom of the screen.
f. Adjust C357 on the Log board for maximum signal size.
g. Adjust R153 on the Log board to place the bottom of the signal at the
bottom graticule line.
h. Reduce the amount of deviation in 10 kHz increments until the bottom
peaks of the signal are at one division below top of screen.