2715 Spectrum Analyzer Service Manual
Table 1- 8: General Characteristics
Characteristic Performance Requirement Supplemental Information
Sweep Normal, Single Sweep, and Manual Scan
Sweep Rate 1 s/div to 2 s/div in a 1--2--5 sequence
Accuracy ±10% over the center 8 divisions
Tri ggeri ng Free Run, Internal, External, Line,
TV Line, and TV Field
Internal Trigger Level 1 division or more of signal
External Trigger Level See EXT TRIG in Table 1--5
Nonvolatile Memory (Battery-Backed Up) Instrument settings, waveforms, and
normaliz ation results are stored in
Battery Life (Lithium)
At +55_ C Ambient Temperature 1to2years
At +25_ C Ambient Temperature At least 5 years
Tem perat ure Range for Retaining Data -- 1 0 _ Cto+75_ C
Internal Calibrator Provides 100 MHz marker for amplitude
calibration and comb of 100 MHz
markers for frequency and span calibra-
Amplitude and Accuracy +18.8 dBmV (--30 dBm), ±0.3 dB, at
100 MHz, ±2 kHz
Drift ±2 PPM/year
IF Gate Rise and Fall Times 7 s nominal
Off Isolation >60dB