2715 Spectrum Analyzer Service Manual
Table 1- 3: Frequency/Amplitude Related Characteristics (Cont.)
Characteri stic Supplemental InformationPerformance Requirement
Center Measure When activated, the signal nearest
center screen (or nearest marker if
marker is on) and above a preset
threshold level, is moved to center
The frequency and amplitude values are
preceded by the letter C
Readout Resolution 1 kHz or 1 Hz Readout resolution is selectable
Signal Tracking When activated, the centered signal is
held at center screen
Signal tracking requires a signal strength
greater than the threshold level
If the strength of a signal being tracked
decreases below the threshold level, the
instrument displays the message NO
Table 1- 4: Amplitude -Related Characteristics
Characteristic Performance Requirement Supplemental Information
Vertical Display Mode 10 dB/div, 5 dB/div, 1 dB/div, and Linear
Reference Level
Range Top of graticule
Log Mode --21.2 dBmV to +68.8 dBmV
PREAMP enabled)
Linear Mode 10.83 V/div to 342.33 mV/div
(1.08 nV div to 34.23 mV/div with the
PREAMP enabled)
Log Mode 1dBor10dB
Linear Mode 1--2--5 sequence: 10.83 V/div to
342.33 mV/div
FINE REF LVL STEP Activated ≥0.2 division per increment
Accuracy Dependent on:
H Normalizations
H Calibrator accuracy
H Frequency response