2715 Spectrum Analyzer Service Manual
Table 1- 9: Environmental Characteristics
Characteristic Description
The Description column describes how most characteristics were derived and a description of the characteristic. This instrument meets
MIL-T-28800E, Type III, Class 5, Style C Specifications.
Electromagnetic Interference (EMI)
Emissions: EN50081--1 Radiated Emissions, 30 MHz--1 GHz
EN55022 Class B (CISPR 22B)
Conducted Emissions, 150 kHz--30 MHz
EN55022 Class B (CISPR 22B)
Conducted Emissions, Power Line Harmonics, 0--2 kHZ
IEC 555-2/3
Immunity: EN50082--1 Electrostatic Discharge, 8 kV
IEC 801-2
Radiated Immunity, 27 MHz --500 MHz
IEC 801-3
Performance Requirement:
No responses above --90 dBm ina3V/meterfield
Fast Transients, Capacitive Clamp, 1 kV Power Leads,
500 V Control Leads
IEC 801-4
Power Line Surge, 1 kV Differential Mode,
IEC 801-5
Tem perat ure
Operating 0_ Cto+50_ C
-- 5 5 _ Cto+75_ C
Operating 95% RH ± 5% + 30_ C and below
75% RH ± 5% + 31_ C through + 40_ C
45% RH ± 5% + 41_ C through + 50_ C
Nonoperating Five cycles (120 hours) in accordance with MIL-STD-28800E, class 5
Operating 15,000 ft (4.57 km)
Nonoperating 50,000 ft (15.24 km)
After storage at temperatures below - 15_ C, the instrument may not reset when power is first turned on. If this happens,
allow the instrument to warm up for at least 15 minutes, then turn power off for 5 seconds an back on.
NVRAM is lost below - 10_ C.