In the preceding subsections of this chapter you learned how to edit
the various data parameters that make up an event. The Step Edit mode
also lets you add, delete, copy, and move events.
■ Adding an Event ..................................................................................................
Editing the Event Lists
When an event is added…
• When you add an event to the SYS-
TEM track, the new event appears as
a Tempo event with a tempo value of
120. At the INITIAL timing, a Meta
event (FF 01 00) is added instead.
• When you add an event to one of the
other tracks (1 through 16), the new
event appears as a Note event with a
note number value of C3. At the INI-
TIAL timing, a Control Change event
(Bank-M, control data value 0) is
added instead.
• If there is already one or more events
at the specified location, a copy of the
highlighted event is inserted below it.
Use the following procedure to add a new event to a track event list:
Z Enter the location of the new event.
Enter the event location as described in step 5 of the basic editing
procedure (page 148). If there is already an event at the desired loca-
tion, you can select that event as described in step 6 of the editing
procedure (page 148).
➔ The first event that occurs at or after the specified location is high-
X Insert the new event.
If you don’t see the INS function at the
right edge of the display, press the SHFT
button (the bottom right LCD button) to
display it.
Press the INS button (the second right LCD button).
➔ A new event is added to the event list. The new event is high-
C Edit the new event.
Use steps 7 and 8 of the basic editing procedure (page 149) to edit the
newly inserted event.
■ Deleting an Event ...............................................................................................
Use the following procedure to delete an event from an event list:
Z Select the event to be deleted.
Select the event you want to delete as described in steps 5 and 6 of
the basic editing procedure (page 148).
➔ The selected event is highlighted.
Step Edit