Whereas the ▲ and ▼ buttons of the VOICE function you used in the
VOICE SELECT display change the menu selection, those of the TUNE
function do not. The menu items in the FUNCTION display are not related
to the TUNE function; instead, they represent different FUNCTION display
pages. If you look again at the top of the display, you’ll see that you’re look-
ing at a display named FUNCTION [KEYBOARD 1], and it’s apparently
the first of many function displays.
Displaying a Different Page
Display pages
Some displays are divided into two or
more pages, indicated by a series of
overlapping boxes in the upper right
corner of the display. The number in the
topmost box is the number of the current
display page.
Remember that you can always select menu items using the left and right
LCD buttons. Press the left LCD button that corresponds to PEDAL in the
This button displays the FUNCTION [PEDAL] page, which you can use
to adjust the operation of your Clavinova’s pedals. But wait — the box in
the upper right corner says this is page 3! We seem to have skipped right
past page 2…
When a display is divided into pages, you can use PAGE buttons to
change pages. Try pressing the [<] button now to see page 2.
Page 2 is FUNCTION [KEYBOARD 2], another page of keyboard set-
tings. You can use the page buttons to select different pages of multi-page
displays, not only in FUNCTION mode, but also in certain VOICE SELECT
and STYLE SELECT displays. But don’t change the page yet: we’re going
to use page 2 to discuss the next operation.
Using the LCD Display Controls
Refer to page 190 for details about the
functions on the FUNCTION [PEDAL]
display page.