■ Changing the Vocal Harmony Type .................................................
Vocal Harmony Type
• Settings:See table on page 13 in the
Reference Booklet.
• Basic setting: MenChoir
You can change the vocal harmony type selection in page 1 of the
VOCAL HARMONY display. Use the HARMONY TYPE ▲ and ▼
buttons to select a vocal harmony type, or highlight the HARMONY
TYPE function and use the data dial or the [–] and [+] buttons.
➔ The selected vocal harmony type is highlighted.
You can also use the left and right LCD buttons while any of the VO-
CAL HARMONY pages are showing to select one of the vocal harmony
types listed in the display.
To return the vocal harmony type to its basic setting (MenChoir),
press either the HARMONY TYPE ▲ and ▼ buttons or the [–] and [+]
buttons simultaneously.
■ Setting the Vocal Harmony Reverb Depth ...............................
• Range: 0 (no effect) — 127 (max.)
• Basic setting: 64
When the Vocal Harmony function is on, the Clavinova applies a
reverb effect — selected by the REVERB TYPE setting in the REVERB
display (page 49) — to the lead and harmony vocals. You can change the
amount of reverb that is applied to the vocal parts using the REVERB
function in page 1 of the VOCAL HARMONY display.
To set the depth of the reverb effect, select the REVERB function,
then use the data dial or the [–] and [+] keys to change the value.
➔ The REVERB value changes.
When Vocal Harmony Is Off…
Reverb is also applied to the microphone
signal when the Vocal Harmony function
is turned off.
The [REVERB] button setting does not
affect the reverb that is applied to vocals.
To turn this reverb off, set the reverb
depth to 0.
You can also advance the value by holding down the REVERB button.
To reset the value to its basic setting of 64, simultaneously press the [–]
and [+] buttons.
Singing with Vocal Harmony (CVP-109/107/700)
Although the vocal harmony type is set
automatically when you select a song
that contains Vocal Harmony data for
playback, it is possible to change the
vocal harmony type as explained here. If
you do so, theVocal Harmony data in the
song will be ignored. (Once you have
changed the vocal harmony type, you
can recall the original Vocal Harmony
data by simply selecting the same song