The Vocal Harmony Modes
The vocal harmony mode determines how the Vocal Harmony function applies harmony notes
to the lead vocal. Refer to the list of vocal harmony types on page 13 of the Reference Booklet to
determine which vocal harmony mode is used by a given vocal harmony type.
● Chordal Mode
When a vocal harmony type uses the Chordal mode, the pitch of the harmony notes is automati-
cally determined by the Auto Accompaniment chords or the chord data in an XF song.
● Vocoder Mode
When a vocal harmony type uses the Vocoder mode, the pitch of the harmony notes is di-
rectly controlled by notes played on the keyboard or included in a specified song track.
● Chromatic Mode
A vocal harmony type that uses the Chromatic mode always produces notes at a fixed inter-
val from the lead vocal.
● Detune Mode
A vocal harmony type that uses the Detune mode adds notes that are detuned by a specific
amount, thus adding a chorus effect to the lead voice.
The vocal harmony settings that you save as part of a song will be
recalled automatically when you select that song for playback. (You can
override the Vocal Harmony data in the song by changing the settings in
the VOCAL HARMONY display before you begin playback, however.)
Singing with Vocal Harmony (CVP-109/107/700)