As you’re editing song data in Step Edit mode, you may at times
find that the sheer number of events makes it difficult to locate the data
you’re looking for. The Clavinova lets you simplify the process by
limiting the types of events that are displayed in the event lists.
Z Open the STEP EDIT [EVENT DISPLAY] page. ..............
Press the PAGE [>] button once or twice to display page 3 of the
STEP EDIT display.
Filtering the Event List
X Select an event type...................................................................................
• To display only note data, just press the
NOTE ONLY button.
• To display all data in the event lists,
press the ALL ON button.
Time signature and tempo data is always
Use the ▲ and ▼ functions (the second and third left LCD buttons)
to move the selection bar up or down to the name of an event type that
you want to hide (or reveal) in the event lists.
➔ The selected event type is highlighted.
C Uncheck the event types that you want to hide. .........
Press the SET button to remove (or display) the check mark next to
the selected event type. Event types without check marks will be not be
displayed in the event lists.
Step Edit
Note data will be displayed in the STEP
EDIT [NOTE RECORD] display page (page
2 of the STEP EDIT display) even when
there is no check mark by the Note event
V Return to the event list display. .....................................................
Repeat steps 2 and 3 as needed to hide (or reveal) other event types,
then use the PAGE [<] button to return to the event list you were pre-
viously editing.
➔ Only the selected event types are now displayed in the event list.