■ Setting the Chorus Depth for Each Part ...................................
The other settings in the CHORUS page let you set the chorus depth
separately for each part you play from the keyboard.
Z Select a part.
Press LEFT, RIGHT1, or RIGHT2 to set the chorus depth for the
corresponding keyboard part.
You can also select several parts at once
and adjust their settings simultaneously.
➔ The selected function is highlighted.
X Set the chorus depth.
Chorus Depth functions
• Range: 0 (no effect) — 127 (max.)
• Basic setting: Depends on voice.
Set the chorus depth for the highlighted part by using the data dial or
[–] and [+] buttons.
You can also advance a value by pressing the corresponding LCD
button. To reset a value to its basic setting, simultaneously press the
[–] and [+] buttons.
Because the basic settings of the chorus depth functions depend on
the voices selected, a chorus depth setting may change automatically
when you select a different voice.