MIXING Display Functions 33
02R User’s Guide
Phase & Attenuation Pages
There are two pages to the ∅/ΑΤΤ 1/1 function. The first page, shown
below, contains the Phase and Attenuation controls for MIC/LINE
channels 1 to 24, and appears when one of these channels is selected.
The second page, shown below, contains the Phase and Attenuation
controls for TAPE channels 1 to 16, effects returns (EFF 1 and EFF 2), and
the stereo output, and appears when one of these channels is selected.
Note: When a stereo channel (17 to 24) is stored to the channel library, phase
and attenuation parameters for both the left and right channels are stored. If such a
channel program is recalled to a mono channel, the phase and attenuation settings
of the left channel are used.