Digital I/O, Setup, and Utilities 209
02R User’s Guide
Before starting a recording session, many engineers like to record a few
seconds of sine wave tones. These tones are used to compare the
performance of multitrack recorders when you take the master tapes from
one studio to another. This is especially important when the multitrack
recorder is analog. The 02R has an oscillator function that allows you to
send 100 Hz, 1 kHz, and 10 kHz sine waves and white noise to the
auxiliary and output buses and the stereo bus.
Shown below is the UTILITY 1/4 page—Oscillator.
Oscillator Functions
• ON/OFF—This icon is used to turn the oscillator on or off. When the
oscillator is on, the Control Room DIM (mute) function is automatically
turned on.
• Level—This rotary icon allows you to set the oscillator output level. Set
the level from –96 dB to 0 dB. Watch the level meters to ensure you are
not driving the 02R into digital clipping.
• Wave Form—These icons allow you to select the wave form you want
output. The 02R can generate four different wave forms: “Sine 100Hz”,
“Sine 1kHz”, “Sine 10kHz”, and “Noise”.
• BUS Assign—Select the output buses 1 through 8.
• Stereo Assign—Select the stereo bus.
• Aux Assign—Select the auxiliary buses 1 through 8.
1. Use the [UTILITY] button
to select the UTILITY 1/4
2. Use the CURSOR buttons
to select the ON or OFF
icon and press the
[ENTER] button.
3. Select the “Level” icon
with the CURSOR
buttons. Rotate the
encoder wheel to set the
oscillator output level.
4. Use the CURSOR buttons
to select the “Wave
Form” and press the
[ENTER] button.
5. Select the output
assignment icons with
the CURSOR buttons
and press the [ENTER]
button for each output.