
64 Secondary Recording Tutorial
02R Getting Started Guide
5. Select the individual character positions with the CURSOR
buttons. Use the encoder wheel to select the characters.
You can create a name of up to 16 characters long. It can contain any of the
following characters:
You can select the “INSERT” icon to insert a space (blank) at the cursor
position in the title edit box. Select the icon with the CURSOR buttons and
press the [ENTER] button. The “DELETE” icon is used to delete the
character at the cursor position.
6. Press the [STORE] button.
If you respond to the confirmation dialog box by selecting “EXECUTE”
and pressing the [ENTER] button, the scene memory is stored with its new
0123456789: ;<=>?
`abcdefgh i j klmno
pq r s t uvwxyz { | } ~
Note: The “COPY” and “PASTE” icons allow you to copy the title from another
scene memory and paste it into the title edit box for subsequent editing. If you use
the Copy function, be sure to select the scene memory whose name you are editing
before storing. Otherwise, you’ll overwrite the scene whose name you copied.