Automix 143
02R User’s Guide
Automix Function
The Automix function consists of six pages.
1/7 Automix Main
The Automix Main page controls the record and playback operations.
Select the timecode frame rate, and the timecode input. Set the initial start
time and enable the editing operations.
2/7 Memory Management
The Memory Management page is used to name the AUTOMIX and
perform store and recall operations. You can also control the record and
playback operations from this page.
3/7 Fader Edit
The Fader Edit page is used to edit the fader positions and set motor
parameters. You can also control the record and playback operations from
this page.
4/7 Event Copy
The Event Copy page allows you to copy, move, extract and trim the level of
automix events.
5/7 Event Edit (Scene/Lib.)
The Event Edit (Scene/Lib.) page allows you to duplicate and delete mix
scene and library recall events, and insert new events. Timecode
addresses can be captured on-the-fly, and new events inserted at the
captured points.
6/7 Event Edit (CH ON, PAN, FADER)
The Event Edit (CH ON, PAN, FADER) page allows you edit channel
on/off, pan, and fader events, and duplicate, delete, and insert new
events. Timecode addresses can be captured on-the-fly, and new events
inserted at the captured points.
7/7 Time Signature
The Time Signature page allows you to enter time signature information
for use with MIDI Clock.
Automix functions can be customized using the preferences on the
SETUP 4/4 page. See “Preferences 2” on page 201.