68 Mixing and Automix
02R Getting Started Guide
What is 02R Automix?
There are three basic steps to making a multitrack recording:
• Setup and initial tracks
• Overdubbing
• Mixdown
Each step is vital in order to produce a satisfactory recording, but the most
difficult one for most engineers is the mixdown. The musicians have
finished their work. They have played their instruments and sung their
vocals. All that raw material is stored on your multitrack recorder, waiting
to be turned into a perfect final mix.
To assist you with this difficult task, the 02R has a fully-featured on-board
automix system. It memorizes fader position changes, switches individual
channels on or off, adjusts the EQ or pan positions, and changes the
auxiliary sends—all based on timecode. It can also recall scene memories
and programs from the EQ library, effects library, dynamics library, and
channel library.
This allows you to record an entire mixing session, and then edit the
individual channel settings in multiple passes until you have achieved
perfection. You can punch-in to fine tune a specific parameter or you can
use one of the event editors to adjust the timecode position of a channel
setting or scene change. You can easily create a mix that would be virtually
impossible to achieve on a standard analog mixer.
Automix Memory
The 02R has a current automix buffer and 16 automix memories. There is
also an undo buffer. Only the current mix can be played back and recorded.
You can store the current mix in any of the 16 automix memories.