Introductory Recording Tutorial 33
02R Getting Started Guide
5. Select the individual character positions with the CURSOR buttons
and rotate the encoder wheel to select the characters.
You can create a name of up to 16 characters long. It can contain any of the
following characters:
You can select the “INS.” icon to insert a space (blank) at the current cursor
position. Select the icon with the CURSOR buttons and press the [ENTER]
button. The “DEL.” icon is used to delete the character at the cursor
6. Use the CURSOR buttons to select the STORE icon and press the
[ENTER] button.
The 02R displays a confirmation dialog box asking if you want to store
your settings in the selected EQ program. The dialog box has two icons:
0123456789: ;<=>?
`abcdefgh i j klmno
pq r s t uvwxyz { | } ~
Note: The “COPY” and “PASTE” icons allow you to select the title from
another EQ program and paste it into your program. These icons only copy the
title, not the actual EQ settings. See “Icons” on page 55 of the User’s Guide.
Note: You can customize your 02R to prevent the dialog box appearing during
STORE operations. In this case, the program is stored without confirmation. See
“Preferences” on page 198 of the User’s Guide for more information.