Black plate (20,1)
Boosting the bass
Bass boost function boosts the bass level of
sound lower than 100 Hz. The more the bass
level is increased, the more the bass sound is
emphasized and the entire sound becomes
power ful. When using this function with the
subwoofer, the sound under the cut-off fre-
quency is boosted.
1 Press AUDIO to select BASS.
# You canalso select the bassboost setting by
pressing and holdingSW.
2 Press a or b to select a desired level.
0 to +6 is displayed as the level is increased or
Front image enhancer (F.I.E.)
The F.I.E. (Front Image Enhancer) function is a
simple method of enhancing front imaging by
cutting mid- and high-range frequency output
from the rear speakers, limiting their output to
low-range frequencies. You can select the fre-
quency you want to cut.
When the F.I.E. function is deactivated, therear
speakers output soundof all frequencies, notjust
bass sounds. Reduce thevolume before disenga-
ging F.I.E. to prevent asudden increase in vo-
1 Press AUDIO to select FIE.
# When the rearoutput setting is R-SP:S/W,
you cannot selectFIE.
# When the HPFfunction is on, youcannot se-
lect FIE.
2 Press a to turn F.I.E. on.
# To turn F.I.E. off, pressb.
3 Press c or d to select a desired fre-
100—160—250 (Hz)
! After turning theF.I.E. functionon, use thebal-
ance adjustment (referto page 17) andadjust
front and rearspeaker volumelevels until they
are balanced.
! Turn the F.I.E. function off when usinga 2-
speaker system.
! F.I.E. functionis effective only forbuilt-in
Adjusting source levels
SLA (source level adjustment) lets you adjust
the volume level of each source to prevent ra-
dical changes in volume when switching be-
tween sources.
! Settings are based on the FM tuner volume
level, which remains unchanged.
1 Compare the FM tuner volume level
with the level of the source you wish to ad-
2 Press AUDIO to select SLA.
3 Press a or b to adjust the source vo-
SLA: +4 to SLA: –4 is displayed as the source
volume is increased or decreased.
! The AM tuner volumelevel can also be ad-
justed with sourcelevel adjustments.
! The built-in CDplayer and the multi-CD player
are set tothe same source leveladjustment
volume automatically.
! External unit 1and external unit 2are set to
the same sourcelevel adjustment volume
Audio Adjustments