Thank you for buying this Pioneer product.
Please read through these operating instructions so you will know how to operate
your model properly. After you have finished reading the instructions, keep this man-
ual in a safe place for future reference.
Before You Start
Information to User 4
About this unit 4
About this units optical input 4
Features 4
About this manual 5
After-sales service for Pioneer products 5
Product registration 5
Precautions 6
Resetting the microprocessor 6
Whats What
Head unit 7
Digital Signal Processor
Introduction of DSPadjustments 8
Using the soundfield control 8
Using the positionselector 9
Using balance adjustment 9
Adjusting source levels 10
Using the dynamicrange control 10
Using the down-mixfunction 10
Using the directcontrol 11
Using the Dolby Pro Logic B 11
Adjusting the Musicmode 11
Setting the speakersetting 12
Correcting the subwoofers phase 12
Selecting a cross-over frequency 13
Adjusting the speakeroutput levels 13
Adjusting the speakeroutput levels usinga
test tone 14
Using the timealignment 14
Selecting the timealignment
adjustment mode 15
Adjusting the timealignment 15
Using the equalizer 15
Recalling equalizercurves 15
Adjusting 3-band parametric
equalizer 16
Using the auto-equalizer 17
Auto TA and EQ(auto-time alignment and
auto-equalizing) 17
Before operating theauto TA and EQ
function 18
Carrying out auto TA andEQ 18
Initial Settings
Correcting distortedsound 20
Resetting theaudio functions 20
Additional Information
Troubleshooting 21
Understanding auto TA andEQ error
messages 22
Terms 23
Specifications 24