SKIPPING TRACKS 5, 6.....................................
Press the TRACK button➄ to skipto the beginningof the nexttrack.
Press the TRACK button➅ toskip tothe beginning of the trackcurrently playing.
Press the TRACK button➅ twiceto skip tothe beginning of the previous track.
When thebutton isreleased, theCD resumesnormalplay.
SHUFFLE MODE 7.......................................
Thisfunction plays thetracks ona CD in random order.
Press theSHF button ➆ tobegin shuffleplay.
Press the TRACK or button (➄ or ➅) toselect anotherrandom track.
Tocancel this mode, pressthe SHFbutton ➆again or ejectthe CD.
If a disc is already loaded under the following conditiions, shuffle play will resume from
the point at which play was stopped:
S If the vehicle ignition is turned off, then on again.
S If the power is switched off, then on again with the ON/OFF button.
REPEAT MODE 8........................................
Press theRPT button ➇to playthe current trackrepeatedly.
Tocancel this mode, pressthe RPTbutton ➇again or ejectthe CD.
If a disc is already loaded under the following conditions, repeat play will resume:
S If the vehicle ignition is switched off, then on again.
S If the power is switched off, then on again with the ON/OFF button.
OF EACH TRACK) 9......................................
Thisfunction playsthe first10 secondsof eachtrack sequentially.
Press the SCNbutton ➈to beginthe scan mode.
The systemwill remainin this mode until itcomes tothe track wherethe scanmode started.
Tocancel this mode, pressthe SCN button ➈again.
Scan mode will be cancelled when the vehicle ignition is turned off, when any other key
operations are performed except time adjustment or when the disc is ejected.