DIS Digital Conference System User Manual
Installation Manual SW 6000 ver 6.2.docx
Select the tab ‘Server Security’ and un-select
‘Disable un-authenticated RPC calls’
Installing SW 6000 4.2.5
Insert the CD with the ‘SW 6000’ Software in the
CD-ROM drive in the PC.
Click on the Setup.exe in the ‘
SW 6000
#Installation’ folder on the CD.
‘The install Shield Wizard’ will automatically show
a list of ‘Prerequisites’ required for running SW
Click ‘Install’ and continue clicking ‘Install’ until
you are asked if you want to install the SW 6000
Important: If the software is downloaded from
the DIS web site the folder ‘SW 6000
Installation’ must be copied to C:\ before the
installation is started and the installation must
be started from the copied folder (C:\SW 6000