DSR Series
Editor DSR-DR1000
1 Disk : VFL Download Clear
2 VTR : Ack
3 Disk : System Status Sense
4 Disk : System Status
5 Disk : VFL Download Data Set
6 VTR : Ack
7 Disk : VFL Download Data Set
8 VTR : Ack
9 Disk : System Status Sense
!/ Disk : System Status
!- Disk : VFL Download Data Write
!= VTR : Ack
![ Disk : System Status Sense
!] Disk : System Status
(4) VFL DOWNLOAD Sequence
In the DSR-DR1000, a series of the commands expected to be issued and executed as described below as the correct
sequence of the VFL DOWNLOAD DATA operation.
The time interval between the command outputs must be less than two seconds.
In the DSR-DR1000, the command that will be used to check error related to the VFL DOWNLOAD DATA command
becomes the System Status. The identification number of the command is set in the No. 544th CMD status of the System
Status Table. Result of execution is reflected on the No. 545th EXEC status of the System Status Table. (Refer to “(6)
SYSTEM STATUS” on page 63.)
In the DSR-DR1000, sequence of executing the VFL DOWNLOAD DATA command has the following limitations.
. In order to execute the VFL DOWNLOAD DATA command in the DSR-DR1000, the VFL DOWNLOAD DATA
mand must be issued in the above-described order. Any other command other than the System Status Sense should not be
inserted in between the above-described commands.
. In order to check error in the VFL DOWNLOAD command, the System Status Sense should be used.
The point that requires attention in the above-described sequence of executing the VFL DOWNLOAD DATA command is
the steps 5 and 7 where the VFL DOWNLOAD DATA SET command is repeated twice consecutively. In case if the
VFL TEXT command cannot be contained in a single command, top of the command is changed from 0x30 to 0x31 that
enables to send the VFL DOWNLOAD DATA SET command continuously. In such a case, the VFL DOWNLOAD
DATA SET command processing is completed when the last 0x30 is received and the data is registered in the memory. If
top of a command is 0x31, and if the VFL DOWNLOAD DATA SET command continues after that, the system status
becomes IN PRO unless the registered data issues and error.