Medium wave:
During the day the reception quality of medium wave stations in the lower
frequency range is better than that of stations in the upper frequency range.In
the dark, however, the higher medium wave frequencies are reflected by the
ionosphere and thus can generally be received in a better quality.However, the
reception of weak stations can then be interfered with the higher range of
neighbouring stations. It is considerably important to shield the antenna cable
and all further lines connected to the radio against “car-made noise“
(interferences of the board electronics of the car) when receiving medium wave
stations, particularly weaker ones. In order to have the best possible reception
quality it is recommended to use a high-quality AM car antenna.
Your TechniSat WERRA 1 is factory-preprogrammed to the following MW stations:
549 kHz Deutschlandfunk
783 kHz MDR Info
801 kHz Bayerischer Rundfunk 1
1017 kHz Südwestfunk
1422 kHz Deutschlandfunk
1440 kHz RTL Radio
Long wave:
Generally,long wave reception is comparable to short wave reception.However,
the reception of weak long wave stations can also be interfered with high-
voltage transmission lines. The following long wave stations are factory-
153 kHz Deutschlandfunk
207 kHz Deutschlandfunk
177 kHz DeutschlandRadio Berlin
198 kHz BBC RADIO 4
234 kHz RTL France
Short wave - Europe band:
The reception of short wave stations (Europe band 49 m) strongly depends on
the time of day and the season. The following stations are factory-
6075 kHz Deutsche Welle
6140 kHz Deutsche Welle
6005 kHz DeutschlandRadio
6085 kHz Bayerischer Rundfunk 1
6155 kHz Radio Österreich International
6165 kHz Schweizer Radio International
A Europe-wide reception of Deutsche Welle is possible on frequency 6075 kHz.
Due to its reception range,the short wave Europe band (49 m) particularly offers
advantages when you are on holiday or on a business trip within Europe.
Introduction/radio reception/preprogramming comments Introduction/radio reception/preprogramming comments
Bed.Anl. Werra1 englisch 09.04.1998 11:52 Uhr Seite 5