Syntax: InputFunc
<user-defined function name> (<argument>[,<argument>…])
[,"<string 1>"[,"<string 2>"]]
Function: When program execution reaches the InputFunc command, the user is prompted
to input the contents of the user-defined function.
Example: InputFunc v(v0, t), "To define function v0(m/s), t(sec)", "define function"
• If you do not specify anything for "<string 1>", the prompt “<variable name>?” appears by
•The text specified for "<string 2>" is used as the input dialog box title.
•The InputFunc command pauses program execution and displays a dialog box that
contains the text string indicated by "<string 1>" and an input box. The dialog box that
appears is identical to the Input command dialog box. A text string enclosed within
quotation marks (" ") or a variable name can be specified for "<string 1>".
•Specifying a very long display text string can cause part of it to be cut off when it is
displayed in the dialog box.
•When the dialog box appears, input an expression into the input box and then tap [OK].
This closes the dialog box, assigns the input expression to the applicable variable and
resumes program execution.
•Tapping [ ] on the dialog box terminates program execution.
Syntax: InputStr
<variable name>[,"<string 1>"[,"<string 2>"]]
Function: When program execution reaches the InputStr command, the user is prompted
for input of a string, which is assigned to a variable.
•The InputStr command pauses program execution and displays a dialog box that contains
the text string indicated by "<string 1>" and an input box. The dialog box that appears is
identical to the Input command dialog box. A text string enclosed within quotation marks
(" ") or a variable name can be specified for "<string 1>".
•Specifying a long display text string can cause part of it to be cut off when it is displayed in
the dialog box.
•When the dialog box appears, input a string into the input box and then tap [OK]. This
closes the dialog box, assigns the input string to the applicable variable and resumes
program execution.
•Tapping [ ] on the dialog box terminates program execution.
•The text specified for "<string 2>" is used as the input dialog box title.
• If you do not specify anything for "<string 1>", the prompt “<variable name>?” appears by
Program Command Reference