Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide
Chapter 11 Configuring Inspection of Basic Internet Protocols
HTTP Inspection
Method—Specifies to match on a request method: bcopy, bdelete, bmove, bpropfind,
bproppatch, connect, copy, delete, edit, get, getattribute, getattributenames, getproperties, head,
index, lock, mkcol, mkdir, move, notify, options, poll, post, propfind, proppatch, put, revadd,
revlabel, revlog, revnum, save, search, setattribute, startrev, stoprev, subscribe, trace, unedit,
unlock, unsubscribe.
Regular Expression—Specifies to match on a regular expression.
Regular Expression—Lists the defined regular expressions to match.
Manage—Opens the Manage Regular Expressions dialog box, which lets you configure regular
Regular Expression Class—Lists the defined regular expression classes to match.
Manage—Opens the Manage Regular Expression Class dialog box, which lets you configure
regular expression class maps.
Request URI Length—Applies the regular expression match to the URI of the request with
length greater than the bytes specified.
Greater Than Length—Enter a URI length value in bytes.
Request URI—Applies the regular expression match to the URI of the request.
Regular Expression—Lists the defined regular expressions to match.
Manage—Opens the Manage Regular Expressions dialog box, which lets you configure regular
Regular Expression Class—Lists the defined regular expression classes to match.
Manage—Opens the Manage Regular Expression Class dialog box, which lets you configure
regular expression class maps.
Response Body—Applies the regex match to the body of the response.
ActiveX—Specifies to match on ActiveX.
Java Applet—Specifies to match on a Java Applet.
Regular Expression—Specifies to match on a regular expression.
Regular Expression—Lists the defined regular expressions to match.
Manage—Opens the Manage Regular Expressions dialog box, which lets you configure regular
Regular Expression Class—Lists the defined regular expression classes to match.
Manage—Opens the Manage Regular Expression Class dialog box, which lets you configure
regular expression class maps.
Response Body Length—Applies the regular expression match to the body of the response with
field length greater than the bytes specified.
Greater Than Length—Enter a field length value in bytes that response field lengths will be
matched against.
Response Header Field Count—Applies the regular expression match to the header of the
response with a maximum number of header fields.
Predefined—Specifies the response header fields: accept-ranges, age, allow, cache-control,
connection, content-encoding, content-language, content-length, content-location,
content-md5, content-range, content-type, date, etag, expires, last-modified, location, pragma,
proxy-authenticate, retry-after, server, set-cookie, trailer, transfer-encoding, upgrade, vary, via,
warning, www-authenticate.