
Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide
Chapter 11 Configuring Inspection of Basic Internet Protocols
HTTP Inspection
URI Filtering
The URI Filtering dialog box is accessible as follows:
Configuration > Global Objects > Inspect Maps > HTTP > URI Filtering
The URI Filtering dialog box lets you configure the settings for an URI filter.
Match Type—Shows the match type, which can be a positive or negative match.
Criterion—Shows the criterion of the inspection.
Value—Shows the value to match in the inspection.
Action—Shows the action if the match condition is met.
Log—Shows the log state.
Add—Opens the Add URI Filtering dialog box to add a URI filter.
Edit—Opens the Edit URI Filtering dialog box to edit a URI filter.
Delete—Deletes an URI filter.
Move Up—Moves an entry up in the list.
Move Down—Moves an entry down in the list.
Add/Edit HTTP Policy Map (Security Level)
The Add/Edit HTTP Policy Map (Security Level) dialog box is accessible as follows:
Configuration > Global Objects > Inspect Maps > HTTP > HTTP Inspect Map > Basic View
The Add/Edit HTTP Policy Map pane lets you configure the security level and additional settings for
HTTP application inspection maps.
Name—When adding an HTTP map, enter the name of the HTTP map. When editing an HTTP map,
the name of the previously configured HTTP map is shown.
Description—Enter the description of the HTTP map, up to 200 characters in length.
Security Level—Select the security level (low, medium, or high).
Protocol violation action: Drop connection
Drop connections for unsafe methods: Disabled
Drop connections for requests with non-ASCII headers: Disabled
URI filtering: Not configured
Advanced inspections: Not configured
Protocol violation action: Drop connection
Drop connections for unsafe methods: Allow only GET, HEAD, and POST
Drop connections for requests with non-ASCII headers: Disabled