5 Servers
VPN 3000 Concentrator Series User Guide
The VPN Concentrator communicates with RADIUS accounting servers per RFC 2139 and currently
includes the attributes in Table 5-1 in the accounting start and stop records. These attributes may change.
Accounting Servers
The Accounting Servers list shows the configured servers, in priority order. Each entry shows the server
identifier and type; e.g., (Radius). If no servers have been configured, the list shows
--Empty--. The first server is the primary, the rest are backup.
Add / Modify / Delete / Move
To configure a new user accounting server, click Add. The Manager opens the Configuration | System |
Servers | Accounting | Add
To modify a configured user accounting server, select the server from the list and click
Modify. The
Manager opens the
Configuration | System | Servers | Accounting | Modify screen.
Table 5-1: RADIUS accounting record attributes
Start Record Stop Record
User Name User Name
Acct Status Type Acct Status Type
Class Class
Service Type Service Type
Framed Protocol Framed Protocol
Framed IP Address Framed IP Address
NAS Port NAS Port
Acct Session ID Session Time
Tunnel Client Endpoint Address Input Octets
Authentic Output Octets
Delay Time Input Packets
NAS IP Address Output Packets
NAS Port Type Terminate Cause
Tunnel Type Acct Session ID
Tunnel Client Endpoint Address
Delay Time
NAS IP Address
NAS Port Type
Tunnel Type