15 Monitoring
VPN 3000 Concentrator Series User Guide
Voltages and status for the 3.3- and 5-volt sensors on the main circuit board.
1.9/2.5V Status, 3.3V Status, 5V Status
The status of voltages relative to the configured thresholds:
OK = within low and high threshold limits.
ALARM = outside of low or high threshold limit.
Not Installed = power supply not installed.
Monitor | System Status | SEP
3015–3080 only
This screen displays status and statistics for a VPN Concentrator SEP (Scalable Encryption Processing)
module, which performs hardware-based cryptographic functions:
• Random-number generation.
• Hash transforms (MD5 and SHA-1) for authentication.
• Encryption and decryption (DES and Triple-DES).
The screen shows cumulative data since the system was last booted or reset.
SEP redundancy
The VPN Concentrator can contain up to four SEP modules for maximum system throughput and
redundancy. Two SEP modules provide maximum throughput; additional modules provide redundancy
in case of module failure.
SEP redundancy requires no configuration: it is always enabled and completely automatic; no
administrator action is required. If a SEP module fails, the VPN Concentrator automatically switches
active sessions to another SEP module. If the system has only one SEP module and it fails, the sessions
automatically use software cryptographic functions. Even if a SEP module fails, the VPN Concentrator
supports the number of sessions for which it is licensed.
If a SEP module fails, the system generates an event of severity level 2. It continues to generate an event
every 10 minutes until the failed module is removed or replaced and the VPN Concentrator is rebooted.
The front- and back-panel
Status LEDs also indicate the failed module, as does this screen.