Monitor | Statistics | IPSec
VPN 3000 Concentrator Series User Guide
Received Notifies
The cumulative total of notify packets received by all currently and previously active IKE tunnels. A
notify packet is an informational packet that is sent in response to a bad packet or to indicate status; e.g.,
error packets, keepalive packets, etc.
Sent Notifies
The cumulative total of notify packets sent by all currently and previously active IKE tunnels. See
comments for
Received Notifies above.
Received Phase-2 Exchanges
The cumulative total of IPSec Phase-2 exchanges received by all currently and previously active IKE
tunnels; i.e., the total of Phase-2 negotiations received that were initiated by a remote peer. A complete
exchange consists of three packets.
Sent Phase-2 Exchanges
The cumulative total of IPSec Phase-2 exchanges that were sent by all currently and previously active
and IKE tunnels; i.e., the total of Phase-2 negotiations initiated by this VPN Concentrator.
Invalid Phase-2 Exchanges Received
The cumulative total of IPSec Phase-2 exchanges that were received, found to be invalid because of
protocol errors, and dropped, by all currently and previously active IKE tunnels. In other words, the total
of Phase-2 negotiations that were initiated by a remote peer but that this VPN Concentrator dropped
because of protocol errors.
Invalid Phase-2 Exchanges Sent
The cumulative total of IPSec Phase-2 exchanges that were sent and were found to be invalid, by all
currently and previously active IKE tunnels.
Rejected Received Phase-2 Exchanges
The cumulative total of IPSec Phase-2 exchanges that were initiated by a remote peer, received, and
rejected by all currently and previously active IKE tunnels. Rejected exchanges indicate policy-related
failures, such as configuration problems.
Rejected Sent Phase-2 Exchanges
The cumulative total of IPSec Phase-2 exchanges that were initiated by this VPN Concentrator, sent, and
rejected, by all currently and previously active IKE tunnels. See comment above.
Phase-2 SA Delete Requests Received
The cumulative total of requests to delete IPSec Phase-2 Security Associations received by all currently
and previously active IKE tunnels.