10 Events
VPN 3000 Concentrator Series User Guide
Configuration | System | Events | General
This Manager screen lets you configure the general, or default, handling of all events. These defaults
apply to all event classes.
You can override these default settings by configuring specific events for special handling on the
Configuration | System | Events | Classes screens.
Figure 10-2: Configuration | System | Events | General screen
Save Log on Wrap
Check this box to automatically save the event log when it is full. (The box is not checked by default.)
The Model 3015–3080 event log holds 2048 events, the Model 3005 holds 256 events. When the log is
full, the entries wrap; that is, entry 2049 overwrites entry 1, etc.
If you select automatic save, the system saves the log file to a file in flash memory with the filename
LOGNNNNN.TXT, where NNNNN is an increasing sequence number that starts with 00001 and restarts
99999. The sequence numbers continue through reboots. For example, if four log files have already
been saved, the next one saved after a reboot is
If flash memory has less than 2.56 MB of free space, the system deletes the oldest log file(s) to make
room for the newest saved log file. It also generates an event that notes the deletion. If there are no old
log files to delete, the save function fails, and the system generates an event that notes the failure.
Each saved log file requires about 334 KB. To conserve space in flash memory, we recommend that you
periodically remove the saved log files. Keeping more than 10 to 12 files wastes space. The
| File Management | Files
screen shows total, used, and free space in flash memory.
Note: The VPN Concentrator automatically saves the log file if it crashes, and when it is rebooted, regardless
of this
Save Log on Wrap setting. This log file is named SAVELOG.TXT, and it overwrites any existing file
with that name. The
SAVELOG.TXT file is useful for debugging.