12 User Management
VPN 3000 Concentrator Series User Guide
Configuration | User Management | Groups
This section of the Manager lets you configure access and usage parameters for specific groups. A group
is a collection of users treated as a single entity. Groups inherit parameters from the base group.
See the discussion of groups and users under User Management at the beginning of this chapter.
Configuring internal groups in this section means configuring them on the VPN Concentrator internal
authentication server. If you have not configured the internal authentication server, this screen displays
a notice that includes a link to the
Configuration | System | Servers | Authentication screen. The system also
automatically configures the internal server when you add the first internal group.
Configuring external groups means configuring them on an external authentication server such as
RADIUS or NT Domain.
Note: If a RADIUS server is configured to return the Class attribute (#25), the VPN Concentrator uses that
attribute to authenticate the
Group Name. On the RADIUS server, the attribute must be formatted as:
where groupname is identical to the Group Name configured on the VPN Concentrator. For example,
Figure 12-5: Configuration | User Management | Groups screen
Current Groups
The Current Groups list shows configured groups in alphabetical order, and if they are internal or external.
If no groups have been configured, the list shows