14 Administration
VPN 3000 Concentrator Series User Guide
Server Port
Enter the port number for the CRL server. Enter 0 (the default) to have the system supply the default port
389 (LDAP).
Update Period
Enter the frequency in minutes to poll for updated CRLs. Enter 0 (the default) to have the system fetch
the CRL on demand; i.e., only when the certificate is used for authentication.
Enter the filename filter (wildcard) to use with the Base DN to select the appropriate CRLs in the
database. Maximum 128 characters.
Base DN
Enter the LDAP base DN (Distinguished Name), which defines the directory path to the CRL database;
cn=crl,ou=certs,o=CANam,c=US. Maximum 128 characters.
Login DN
Enter the login DN to access this CRL database. Maximum 128 characters.
Enter the password for the Login DN above. Maximum 128 characters.
Re-enter the password to verify it. Maximum 128 characters.
Apply / Cancel
To configure CRL checking for this certificate, click Apply. The Manager returns to the Administration |
Certificate Management | Certificates
To discard your settings, click
Cancel. The Manager returns to the Administration | Certificate Management
| Certificates