14 Administration
VPN 3000 Concentrator Series User Guide
Administration | Software Update
This screen lets you update the VPN Concentrator executable system software (the software image). This
process uploads the file to the VPN Concentrator, which then verifies the integrity of the file.
The new image file must be accessible by the workstation you are using to manage the VPN
Concentrator. Software image files ship on the Cisco VPN 3000 Concentrator CD-ROM. Updated or
patched versions are available from the Cisco Website,
www.cisco.com, under Service & Support >
Software Center
It takes a few minutes to upload and verify the software, and the system displays the progress. Please
wait for the operation to finish.
To run the new software image, you must reboot the VPN Concentrator. The system prompts you to
reboot when the update is finished.
We also recommend that you clear your browser’s cache after you update the software image: delete all
the browser’s temporary internet files, history files, and location bar references.
Note: The VPN Concentrator has two locations for storing image files: the active location, which stores the
image currently running on the system; and the backup location. Updating the image overwrites the
stored image file in the backup location and makes it the active location for the next reboot. Updating
twice, therefore, overwrites the image file in the active location; and the current image file is lost.
Caution: You can update the software image while the system is still operating as a VPN device. Rebooting the
system, however, terminates all active sessions.
While the system is updating the image, do not perform any other operations that affect flash memory
(listing, viewing, copying, deleting, or writing files.) Doing so may corrupt memory.
Updating the software image also makes available any new Cisco-supplied configurable selections for
filter rules, Security Associations, IKE proposals, base-group attributes, etc. When you reboot with the
new image, the system updates the active configuration in memory with these new selections, but it does
not write them to the
CONFIG file until you click the Save Needed icon in the Manager window. See
Administration | File Management for ways to manage CONFIG files.
Figure 14-10: Administration | Software Update screen
Current Software Revision
The name, version number, and date of the software image currently running on the system.