EMC Connectrix DS-32B2 and ED-12000B Fabric OS Reference Manual
Telnet Commands
Enable or disable diagnostics skip test flags.
Syntax diagskiptests [limit | -show]
Availability Admin
Description Use this command to enable or disable the diagnostics skip test flags.
The skip test flags are saved in nonvolatile memory and stay set until
the next execution of diagskiptests.
The mode becomes active as soon as this command is executed. It
does not require a reboot to take effect.
The skip test flags are used to skip the execution of certain POST tests
that may prove hazardous to normal switch operation. The exact use
of this flag is determined by the POST scripts and the specific test
methods that are used.
Operands This command has the following operands:
If no operand is specified the current value is displayed.
To enable or disable the diagnostics skip test flags:
switch:admin> diagskiptests
Skip tests is 0.
switch:admin> diagskiptests 1
Config update Succeeded
Skip tests is now 1.
See Also diagHelp
Specify 1 to enable skip tests mode; specify 0 to
disable print mode. This operand is optional.
Specify this operand to display the current
mode setting. This operand is optional.