
EMC Connectrix DS-32B2 and ED-12000B Fabric OS Reference Manual
BB_Credit Buffer-to-buffer credit. The number of frames that can be transmitted
to a directly connected recipient or within an arbitrated loop.
Determined by the number of receive buffers available. See also Buffer
to Buffer Flow Control and EE_Credit.
Beacon When all the port LEDs on a switch are set to flash from one side of
the switch to the other, to enable identification of an individual
switch in a large fabric. A switch can be set to beacon by tTlnet
command or through Web Tools.
Beginning Running
The disparity at the transmitter or receiver when the special character
associated with an ordered set is encoded or decoded. See also
BER Bit error rate. Tthe rate at which bits are expected to be received in
error. Expressed as the ratio of error bits to total bits transmitted. See
also Error.
Blade See 16-Port Card.
Block As applies to Fibre Channel, upper-level application data that is
transferred in a single sequence.
Blower Assembly A fan that prevents a switch (or individual elements within a switch)
from over heating.
Boot Flash Flash memory that stores the boot code and boot parameters. The
processor executes its first instructions from boot flash. Data is cached
in RAM.
Boot Monitor Code used to initialize the CP (control processor) environment after
powering on. Identifies the amount of memory available and how to
access it, and retrieves information about system buses.
Broadcast The transmission of data from a single source to all devices in the
fabric, regardless of zoning. See also Multicast and Unicast.