
EMC Connectrix DS-32B2 and ED-12000B Fabric OS Reference Manual
SI Sequence initiative.
SID/DID Source identifier/destination identifier. S_ID is a 3-byte field in the
frame header that is used to indicate the address identifier of the
N_Port from which the frame was sent.
Single Mode A Fibre Channel optic cabling standard for use with long-wavelength
lasers operating in the infrared portion of the spectrum at 1300
nonmeters (nm).
SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol. An Internet management
protocol that uses either IP for network-level functions and UDP for
transport-level functions, or TCP/IP for both. Can be made available
over other protocols, such as UDP/IP, because it does not rely on the
underlying communication protocols. See also Community (SNMP).
SNS Simple Name Server. A switch service that stores names, addresses,
and attributes for up to 15 minutes, and provides them as required to
other devices in the fabric. SNS is defined by Fibre Channel standards
and exists at a well-known address. May also be referred to as
directory service. See also FS.
Subordinate Switch All switches in the fabric other than the principal switch. See also
Principal Switch.
Switch Hardware that routes frames according to Fibre Channel protocol and
is controlled by software.
Switch Name The arbitrary name assigned to a switch.
Switch Port A port on a switch. Switch ports can be E_Ports, F_Ports, or FL_Ports.
SWL Short wavelength. A type of fiber-optic cabling that is based on
850mm lasers and supports link speeds of 1.0625 Gb/s and 2.125
Gb/s. May also refer to the type of GBIC or SFP. See also LWL.
Target A storage device on a Fibre Channel network. See also Initiator.