EMC Connectrix DS-32B2 and ED-12000B Fabric OS Reference Manual
Telnet Commands
Display multicast routing information.
mcastShow [group_ID]
Availability All users
Description Use this command to display the multicast routing information, as it
is known by the FSPF path selection and routing task, for all ports in
the switch. The multicast routing information indicates, for each
multicast group, all the ports that are members of that group, that is
ports that are able to send and receive multicast frames on that group.
The multicast routing information is shown for all the multicast
groups, or for a specific group if a group ID is supplied.
Normally, an F_Port or FL_Port is a member of the multicast group
only if it has joined the group using the Alias Server protocol. On the
other hand, E_Ports that are part of the multicast group are selected
by the multicast path selection protocol. They are chosen in a way
that prevents multicast routing loops.
The multicast paths are active for all the multicast groups at all times,
regardless of whether a multicast group contains any members.
The multicast routing information is shown as a set of bitmaps. Each
bit in the bitmap represents a port, with the least significant bit
representing port 0. A bit set to 1 indicates that a port is part of the
multicast distribution tree.
The following fields are displayed:
Multicast group ID.
Member ISL Ports
Bitmap of all E_Ports in the
multicast tree for that multicast
Member Ports
Bitmap of all ports in the
multicast tree for that multicast
Static ISL Ports
Reserved. It should be all zeroes.