Telnet Commands
Bit write and read test of SDRAMs in the switch.
ramTest [patternSize]
Availability Admin
Description Use this command to verify the address and data bus of the SDRAMs
that serve as CPU memory in the switch.
The test consists of two subtests:
◆ The address subtest verifies that SDRAM locations can be
uniquely accessed.
The method used is to write a unique pattern to each location in
the SDRAMs. When all are written, the data is read back from
each location and compared against the data previously written.
A failure in the test implies that the address path between the
CPU and the SDRAMs are faulty, resulting in failures to program-
unique values.
Following is the ramp pattern used in the test:
0x57626f42, 0x57626f43, 0x57626f44, 0x57626f45, ...
◆ The data subtest verifies that each cell in the SDRAMs can be
independently written and read, and that there is no short,
stuck-at-1, or stuck-at-0 faults between data cells.
The method used is to write pattern D to location N, write the
complementary pattern D to location N+1, and then read and
compare location N to location N+1. Bump the location to test:
N=N+1. Repeat the double write and read until all locations are
tested with the following nine patterns:
• 0x55555555
• 0x69696969
• 0x3c3c3c3c
• 0x1e1e1e1e
• 0x87878787
• 0x14284281
• 0x137ffec8
• 0x0f0f0f0f
• 0x00000000