
Telnet Commands
Configure a port to support long distance links.
portCfgLongDistance [slot/]port [, distance_level]
[, VC_translation_link_init]
Availability Admin
Description Use this command to specify the allocation of enough full-size frame
buffers on a particular port to support a long-distance link of up to
100 km. The port can be used as either an Fx_Port or an E_Port. The
configuration is saved in the nonvolatile memory and is persistent
across switch reboot or power cycle.
The Extended Fabrics license key is required to use the full functionality of
this command. Refer to the EMC Connectrix Departmental Switch DS-32B2 and
Enterprise Director ED-12000B Extended Fabric User Guide for more
When this command is invoked without the port operand, you are
prompted to enter the long-distance level number. The level value
must be one of the levels shown in Table 1-20:
When a port is configured to be a long-distance port, the output of
portShow and switchShow displays the long-distance level. In the
portShow output, the long-distance level is indicated as medium for
Table 1-20 Level Values
Level Description
L0 Deconfigure port to be a regular switch port. This
option supports up to 10 km for 1 G, or 5 km for 2 G.
LE Level E mode is for E_ports for distances beyond 5
km and up to 10 km especially for 2 G link speeds.
LE does not require ExtendedFabric license.
L1 Level-one long distance, up to 50 km for a 1 Gb and a
2 Gb link.
L2 Level-two long distance, up to 100 km for a 1 Gb link
and 50 km for a 2 Gb link.