
Telnet Commands
Designates a port as a locked G_Port.
portCfgEport [slotnumber/]portnumber, mode
Availability Admin
Description This command enables a user to designate a port as a locked G_Port.
Once this is done, the switch attempts to initialize that port as an
F_Port only, and does not attempt loop initialization (FL_Port) on the
port. However, if the device attached to the port initiates loop
communication, then the switch responds accordingly and the port
can then become an FL_Port. Similarly, a port designated as a G_Port
can become an E_Port.
Locking a port as a G_Port only changes the actions initiated by the
switch; it does not change how the switch responds to initialization
The configuration is saved in the nonvolatile memory and is
persistent across switch reboot or power cycle.
Operands This command has the following operands:
Specify the slot number in an ED-12000B switch.
The slot number must be followed by a slash ( / )
and the port number.
The ED-12000B has a total of 10 slots counted
from 1 to 10. Slot number 5 and 6 are control
processor cards, and slot 1 through 4 and 7
through 10 are switch cards. On each switch card,
there are 16 ports counted from the bottom 0 to
15. A particular port must be represented by both
slot number (1 through 4 or 7 through 10) and
port number (0 through 15).
This operand is not required for switches that do
not have blades.