The HBAnyware Utility User Manual Page 123
The Linux SCSI subsystem only sees 8
LUNs when more are present.
Some SCSI drivers will not scan past 8 LUNs when the target
reports as a SCSI-2 device. Force SCSI bus scan with
/usr/sbin/ lpfc/lun_scan. SuSE supplies /bin/rescan-scsi-bus.sh
which can be changed to scan everything.
Cannot See Any HBAs. You launch
HBAnyware and no HBAs are visible.
Try the following solutions:
• Perform an 'lsmod' to see if the Emulex drivers (lpfc and
lpfcdfc) are loaded. Look for an error message on the
command line stating the lpfcdfc driver is not loaded. If this is
the case, do a modprobe of the lpfc and lpfcdfc drivers and
relaunch HBAnyware.
• Exit HBAnyware and run ../stop_hbanyware.
Then run ./ start_elxhbamgr and ./start_elxdiscovery, and re-
launch HBAnyware. The HBAs should be visible. If they are
not visible reboot your system.
Cannot See Other HBAs or Hosts.
Although HBAnyware is installed, only local
host bus adapters (HBAs) are visible. The
other HBAs and hosts in the SAN cannot be
All the HBAs in the SAN will be visible if:
• The other servers have a connection to your zone of the
SAN. Check fabric zoning.
• The elxhbamgr processes are running on remote hosts (enter
ps -ef | grep elxhbamgr).
• All other HBAs are running HBAnyware and the appropriate
• The other HBAs are Emulex HBAs.
Note: HBAnyware services must be running on all remote
hosts that are to be discovered and managed. If the
HBAnyware Security Configurator is running, only the
master or Access group client can see the servers.
Cannot See New LUNs. Although new
LUNs were created on the storage array,
they do not appear in HBAnyware.
Try the following:
1. Refresh the screen.
2. Exit HBAnyware and restart HBAnyware. If new LUNs are
visible, you are finished.
If that doesn't work, try the following:
1. Exit HBAnyware.
2. Navigate to /usr/sbin/hbanyware.
3. Run ./stop_hbanyware to stop both the elxhbamgr and
elxdiscovery processes.
4. Run ./start_elxhbamgr and ./start_elxdiscovery to restart
both processes.
5. Start HBAnyware.
Unwanted Remote Servers Appear in
To prevent unwanted servers from appearing in HBAnyware, do
the following:
1. Navigate to /usr/sbin/hbanyware.
2. Run ./stop_hbanyware to stop both the elxhbamgr and
elxdiscovery processes.
3. Run ./start_elxhbamgr and ./start_elxdiscovery to restart
both processes. Disabling this service or process prevents
the local servers from being seen remotely.
Table 14: Emulex Driver for Linux and HBAnyware Situations (Continued)
Situation Resolution