The HBAnyware Utility User Manual Page 85
Adding New Targets Using sd.conf for Solaris 8, 9 and 10
You can perform on-the-fly configuration changes, without rebooting, using the HBAnyware utility. For
Solaris 8, you must first add the new targets to the sd.conf file.
To add new targets using sd.conf (Solaris 8):
1. Edit the Solaris SCSI configuration file (sd.conf):
#vi /kernel/drv/sd.conf
name="sd" parent="lpfc" target=17 lun=1;
name="sd" parent="lpfc" target=18 lun=10;
name="sd" parent="lpfc" target=19 lun=15;
2. Save the file and exit vi.
HBAnyware Security
After you install the base HBAnyware software, which includes the HBAnyware utility and remote server,
on a group of systems, the HBAnyware utility on any of those systems can remotely access and manage
the HBAs on any systems in the group. This may not be a desirable situation, because any system can
perform actions such as resetting boards or downloading firmware.
You can use the HBAnyware utility security package to control which HBAnyware enabled systems can
remotely access and manage HBAs on other systems in a Fibre Channel network. HBAnyware security
is systems-based, not user-based. Anyone with access to a system that has been granted HBAnyware
client access to remote HBAs can manage those HBAs. Any unsecured system is still remotely
accessible by the HBAnyware client software (HBAnyware utility). The HBAnyware security software
provides two main security features:
1. Prevent remote HBA management from systems that you do not want to have this capability.
2. Prevent an accidental operation (such as firmware download) on a remote HBA. In this case,
you do not want to have access to HBAs in systems you are not responsible for maintaining.
When you install the HBAnyware utility Security software on a system and run the HBAnyware utility
Security Configurator for the first time, that system becomes the Master Security Client (MSC). All of the
available servers are discovered and are available to be part of the system Access Control Group
(ACG). You select the systems to add to the ACG, and the security configuration updates on all of the
selected servers as well as on the initial system. This selection constitutes the participating platforms in
this security installation.