The HBAnyware Utility User Manual Page 32
• Link Transitions - The number of times the SLI port sent a link attention condition.
• Elastic Buf Overruns - The number of times the link interface has had its elastic buffer overrun.
• Rx Frames - The number of FC frames received by this HBA port.
• Rx Words - The number of FC words received by this HBA port.
• Rx KB Count - The received kilobyte count by this HBA port.
• Rx Sequences - The number of FC sequences received by this HBA port.
• NOS count - This statistic is currently not supported for the SCSIport Miniport and Storport
Miniport drivers, nor is it supported for arbitrated loop.
• Dumped Frames - This statistic is not currently supported for the SCSIport Miniport driver, the
Storport Miniport driver or the driver for Solaris.
• Loss of Sync - The number of times loss of synchronization has occurred.
• Prim Seq Prot Errs - The primitive sequence protocol error count. This counter is incremented
whenever there is any type of protocol error.
• Invalid CRCs - The number of frames received that contain CRC failures.
• Ex Count Resp - The number of FC exchange responses made by this port.
• Active RPIs - The number of remote port indicators.
• Receive F_BSY - The number of FC port-busy link response frames received.
• Primitive Seq Timeouts - The number of times a primitive sequence event timed out.
• Arbitration Timeouts - The number of times the arbitration loop has timed out. Large counts
could indicate a malfunction somewhere in the loop or heavy usage of the loop.