The HBAnyware Utility User Manual Page 39
5. Navigate to the extracted firmware file you wish to download. Select the file and click Start
Download. A status bar shows the progress of the download and indicates when the download
is complete.
6. Click Close. The Firmware tab displays the updated firmware information for the selected HBA.
If you are updating the firmware on a dual-channel HBA, repeat steps 1 through 6 to update the firmware
on the second port or use the “Updating Firmware (Batch Mode) Using the HBAnyware Utility” procedure
on page 39.
Updating Firmware (Batch Mode)
Loading firmware in batch mode differs from its non-batch counterpart in that it enables you to install
firmware on multiple HBAs in a single step. Batch firmware loading is restricted to a single firmware file and
to all accessible HBAs for which that file is compatible.
Before you can perform a batch update, the firmware file must be downloaded from the Emulex Web site
and extracted:
• To a directory on your local drive (Windows).
• To the Emulex Repository folder (RMRepository). This folder is in:
/usr/sbin/HBAnyware/RMRepository (Solaris LPFC, Solaris SFS and Linux)
To batch load firmware:
1. From the menu bar, select Batch and click Download Firmware.
2. When the Batch Firmware Download dialog box appears, browse to locate and select the
firmware file to download.
3. Click Open.
Figure 29: Batch Firmware Download dialog box
4. A tree-view appears showing all HBAs and their corresponding hosts for which the selected
firmware file is compatible. Check boxes next to the host and HBA entries are used to select or
deselect an entry. Checking an HBA selects or removes that HBA; checking a host removes or
selects all eligible HBAs for that host.
5. Make your selections and click Start Download.
Note: If the state of the boot code on the board has changed, this change will be reflected
immediately on the General tab.
Note: Stop other HBAnyware utility functions while batch loading is in progress.
Note: You do not need to select a particular tree element for this operation.