The HBAnyware Utility User Manual Page 25
• Discovered Ports - Counts the number of mapped and unmapped ports found during discovery
by the Emulex HBA driver. The mapped ports are targets and the unmapped ports are non
targets such as switches or HBAs.
• Device ID - The HBA's default device ID.
Port Attributes Area
• Port FC ID - The Fibre Channel ID for the port of the selected HBA.
• Port Type - The current operational mode of the selected HBA’s port.
• OS Device Name - The platform-specific name by which the selected HBA is known to the
operating system (OS).
• Supported Class of Service - A frame delivery scheme exhibiting a set of delivery characteristics
and attributes. There are three classes of service.
• Class-1 provides a dedicated connection between a pair of ports confirmed with delivery or
notification of nondelivery.
• Class-2 provides a frame switched service with confirmed delivery or notification of
• Class-3 provides a frame switched service similar to Class-2 but without notification of frame
delivery or non-delivery.
• Supported FC4 Types - A 256-bit (8-word) map of the FC-4 protocol types supported by the port
containing the selected HBA.
Loop Map Area
• The loop map shows the different ports present in the loop, and is present only if the port (HBA)
is operating in loop mode. The simplest example would be to connect a JBOD directly to an
HBA. When this is done, the port type will be a private loop, and the loop map will have an entry
for the HBA, and one entry for each of the disks in the JBOD.