The HBAnyware Utility User Manual Page 42
Configuring the Driver
In Windows, Solaris LPFC, Solaris SFS and Linux: Set driver parameters using the HBAnyware utility. In
Solaris LPFC, Solaris SFS and Linux:, you can also specify parameters when loading the driver
Setting Driver Parameters
The Driver Parameters tab and host Driver Parameter tab enable you to modify driver parameters for a
specific HBA or all HBAs in a host.
For example, if you select a host in the discovery-tree, you can globally change the parameters for all
HBAs in that host. If you select an HBA in the discovery-tree, you can change the lpfc_use_adisc,
lpfc_log_verbose and the lpfc_nodev_tmo parameters for only that HBA.
For each parameter, the Driver Parameters tab and host Driver Parameters tab shows the current value,
the range of acceptable values, the default value, and the activation requirement. You can also restore
parameters to their default settings.
You can apply driver parameters for one HBA to other HBAs in the system using the Driver Parameters
tab, thereby simplifying multiple HBA configuration. See “Creating and Assigning a Batch Mode Driver
Parameters File” on page 45 for more information.
To change the driver parameters for an HBA:
1. Do one of the following:
• From the menu bar, click View, then click Sort by Host Name.
• From the toolbar, click the Sort by Host Name button: .
2. In the discovery-tree, select the HBA.
3. Select the Driver Parameters tab. The parameter values for the selected HBA are displayed.
Figure 32: Driver Parameters tab - HBA Selected
Note: The Linux 2.6 kernel only supports setting the log_verbose, nodev_tmo and
use_adisk driver parameters for individual HBAs. You must apply other driver
parameters to all HBAs contained in the host.