The HBAnyware Utility User Manual Page 128
Error Message Situations
Table 18: Error Message Situations
Situation Resolution
The following error message is displayed when
creating an ASG: “The Access Sub-Group name
already exists. Please use a different name.”
You entered a duplicate ASG name in the Access Sub-
Group Name field. At each level of the security topology,
each ASG name must be unique.
Click OK on the message and enter a unique ASG name.
The following error message is displayed when
deleting an ASG
: “The Access Sub-Group
parent’s ASG is offline. You should delete the ASG
when the parent ASG is available. This ASG should
only be deleted if the parent ASG will not be
available again. Are you sure you want to delete
this ASG?”
The offline ASG entry serves as a placeholder for where
the real ASG would be in the tree. You can neither modify
nor delete it (although it is removed from the display if all
of the child ASGs are deleted). It is possible to delete the
child ASGs of the offline ASG. However, it is
recommended that you delete them only if the client for
the offline ASG will never be put online again. It is best to
delete child ASGs when the parent ASG is online.
Click Yes on the error message to delete the ASG or No
to close the message without deleting.
The following error message is displayed when
starting the HBAnyware Security Configurator:
“This system is not allowed client access to remote
servers. This program will exit.”
The system you are running the Security Configurator on
is already under the security umbrella as a server to one
or more clients. To make this server a client (so that it can
successfully run the Security Configurator), click OK to
close the message and exit the program, then do the
1. Run the Security Configurator on the MSC or on any
client that has this server in its ASG.
2. Make this server a client to a group of servers.
The following error message is displayed when
starting the Security Configurator: "There are no
Backup Master Client Systems assigned to this
security configuration. At least one should be
assigned to avoid loss of the security configuration
should the Master Client System become disabled.”
Use the Backup Master tab to assign a Backup Master for
the MSC.
The first time the Security Configurator is started in
an unsecure environment, the following message is
displayed: “This utility is running on an unsecure
system. Continuing will allow you to set up a new
security configuration making this system the
Master Client System.”
Click OK on the message and complete the ACG setup.
The system on which the Security Configurator is running
will become the MSC.
When I start the Security Configurator on a Backup
Master system, the following message is displayed:
“Warning: This system is a backup master client
system. Therefore you will only be able to view the
security configuration. To make changes, you will
need to run this utility on the master client system.”
Because each Backup Master system receives all the
updates that the MSC makes to the security configuration,
the Backup Master systems must be online when the
Security Configurator is running on the MSC. Otherwise,
updates to the security configuration are not reflected to
the Backup Master. If the Backup Master becomes the
MSC, corruption of the security configuration may occur.
Click OK to close the message.