Data Field Descriptions
Defaults (where applicable) are Indicated in Text.
The following pages list all data fields in this Control (in numerical order). Use the blank programming form
to record the data for this installation. Note that both keypad LEDs flash while in Programming mode.
Note: Entering a number other than the one specified will give unpredictable results.
Installer Code
Enter 4 digits, 0-9
The Installer Code is used to enter the 4-digit Master Security Code. See
"Master Code" in the System Operation section for procedure.
Quick Arm Enable
0 = do not allow quick arm
1 = allow quick arm
If enabled, security code is not required to arm the system. The user
simply presses and holds down the AWAY or STAY key to arm.
Keypad Backlight Timeout
0 = no timeout; always backlight keys
1 = turn backlighting off after inactivity
This option allows the choice of either always backlighting the keypad or
turning the backlighting off after 10 seconds of keypad inactivity.
Forced Bypass
0 = no forced bypass
1 = provide automatic bypass of all open (faulted)
All zones bypassed by this function will be displayed after the bypass is
Note: UL installations: must be 0 (no forced bypass)
RF House ID Code
00 = disable all wireless keypad usage
01-31 = House ID
The House ID identifies receivers and wireless keypads.
If a 5827 Wireless Keypad or 5804BD/5804BDV Transmitter is to be
used, a House ID Code MUST be entered, and the keypad should be set
to the same ID.
Powerline Carrier Device (X-10) House ID
0 = A 4 = E 8 = I # + 12 = M
1 = B 5 = F 9 = J # + 13 = N
2 = C 6 = G # + 10 = K # + 14 = O
3 = D 7 = H # + 11 = L # + 15 = P
Powerline Carrier Devices require a House ID. This field identifies this
House ID to the Control. The Powerline Carrier Devices are
programmed in field ✻80.
Chime by Zone
0 = no (chimes on fault of any entry/exit or perimeter
zone when Chime mode is activated
1 = yes (chimes on fault of those zones assigned to
Zone List 3 when Chime mode on)
This option allows the installer to define the specific zones intended to
chime when faulted while the system is in Chime mode. If enabled, these
zones are defined in zone list 3 (see ✻81 Zone List Menu Mode).
Real Time Clock Display
0 = do not display the time
1 = display the time
Refer to the User’s Manual for setting the clock time and date.
Daylight Savings Time Start/End Month
0, 0 = no daylight saving time used
1-12 = start month and end month
Enter # + 10 for 10, # + 11 for 11, and # + 12 for 12.
Daylight Savings Time Start/End Week
0 = disable 4 = fourth weekend
1 = first weekend of month 5 = last weekend
2 = second weekend 6 = next to last
3 = third weekend 7 = 3
from last
Enter the appropriate start and end weekend of the month.
Single Alarm Sounding Per Zone
(per armed period)
0 = no limit on alarm sounding per zone
1 = limit alarm sounding to once per arming period for
a given zone
LYNXR/LYNXR24 - Applies to Long Range Radio Output if “0”
is selected in field ✻91
LYNXR-EN - Applies to Long Range Radio Output if Long Range
Radio is connected to the Trigger Single (Neg.) terminal #8.
UL installations: must be 0 (no limit)
This field applies only to burglary zones (zone response types 1-5, 10),
and affects long range radio reporting but does not affect central station
Note: This field applies only to the bell and does not affect keypad
Fire Sounder Timeout
0 = yes, fire sounder timeout after time programmed in
1 = no fire sounder timeout; continue sounding until
manually turned off
This Control complies with NFPA requirements for temporal pulse
sounding of fire notification appliances.
Temporal pulse sounding for a fire alarm consists of the following:
3 pulses – pause – 3 pulses – pause – 3 pulses. . .
Alarm Bell Timeout
0 = No timeout 2 = 8 min 4 = 16 min
1 = 4 min 3 = 12 min
This field determines whether the external sounder will shut off after
time allowed, or continue until manually turned off.
UL installations: must be set for a minimum of 4 min (option 1)
Exit Delay
00-99 = exit delay time in seconds
The system will wait the time entered before sounding an alarm if the
exit door is left open after the system has been armed.
UL installations: must be set for a maximum of 60 seconds